With all of the information coming at us these days, it can be hard to filter out what is good information and what information isn’t so good. With all of the information out there, how do you know what information you can trust?Continue readingEvaluating Mental Health and Substance Use Information
Mental Illnesses
Mental illnesses are health problems that affect the mind—your thoughts, your emotions, your behaviours. There are many different mental illnesses, and they affect people in different ways. In this section, learn more about the different mental illnesses, learn more about treatment and recovery, and find help in your community.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Worry is a normal reaction to a stressful or troubling event. We all worry sometimes. But if you seem to worry much more than other people and you worry so much that it affects the quality of your life, you may have something called generalized anxiety disorder.Continue readingGeneralized Anxiety Disorder
Getting Help for Mental Illnesses
On this page: How do I know if I need help? Why should I get help? Who can provide help? How do I find help? Not sure where to start? Where can I learn more? One day, you develop a nagging cough, or get sharp back pain. You wait a few days to see if […]Continue readingGetting Help for Mental Illnesses
Mental Illness: The Basics
What do you think of when you hear that someone is experiencing a mental illness? Some people feel concern, fear, or confusion. Some even avoid those who experience mental illnesses. But mental illnesses are just like any other illness: everyone deserves care, help, and support.Continue readingMental Illness: The Basics
Mental Illnesses in Children and Youth
Kids and teens are constantly changing. They grow up quickly and before you know it, your giggly, energetic toddler is a teenager who sleeps until noon. As we grow, it’s normal to change as we learn new things and our bodies transform into our adult selves. But with all these changes going on, how can […]Continue readingMental Illnesses in Children and Youth
Mood Disorders
Moods affect us every day. Sometimes we’re sad, other times we’re happy. But sometimes people’s mood can get “stuck” on sad. Or the moods might change a lot or become extreme. When this happens, it might be caused by mood disorders.Continue readingMood Disorders
Myths About Mental Illness
Mental illnesses affect everyone in some way. We all likely know someone who has experienced a mental illness at some point. Yet there are still many hurtful attitudes around mental illnesses that fuel stigma and discrimination and make it harder to reach out for help. Its time to look at […]Continue readingMyths About Mental Illness
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Most of us have had times when we find ourselves thinking about something constantly. Repetitive thoughts, worries and rituals have a definite place in our lives. But when these begin to impact your everyday life it may be a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder.Continue readingObsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Panic Disorder
Your heart starts racing. You start to feel dizzy, nauseous and sweaty. It feels so bad that you get the overwhelming feeling you’re going to die. This is what a panic attack feels like. Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that causes repeated, unexpected attacks of intense fear.Continue readingPanic Disorder
Personality Disorders
Each of us has a unique personality that that is reflective of both our genetic make-up and our life experiences. Personality disorders involve patterns of behaviour, mood, social interaction, and impulsiveness that cause distress to one experiencing them, as well as to other people in their lives.Continue readingPersonality Disorders