In this submission, CMHA BC makes recommendations to support the dignity and security of people with mental health or substance use-related problems and those living in poverty.Continue reading2018 submission to BC’s poverty reduction consultation
The Bigger Picture
Mental health and well-being are so much bigger than one person. They include every part of our lives. When people have the right tools and supports in place, they can flourish regardless of health problems. When people do not have the support they need or are excluded, the entire community suffers.
A Person-Centered Approach to BC’s Overdose-Poisoning Epidemic
In this recorded webinar, we discuss ways to share power and partner with people who use drugs to affect change and ameliorate the impact of the poisoning epidemic. People who use drugs (PWUD) are central to BC’s response to the poisoning epidemic. Some are first responders, witnessing drug use among their peers and administering life-saving […]Continue readingA Person-Centered Approach to BC’s Overdose-Poisoning Epidemic
Building an Equitable Foundation: Removing barriers to access for people with mental health and substance-use related disabilities

International human rights agreements and health research demonstrate that all people need a solid foundation of basic necessities such as income, housing, food and meaningful employment to enjoy mental wellness. Without this, people experience social exclusion and lose their sense of belonging, which can make them mentally ill, worsen their illness or prevent them from […]Continue readingBuilding an Equitable Foundation: Removing barriers to access for people with mental health and substance-use related disabilities
Changing The Way We Support the Mental Health of Youth In Care and From Care
This paper aims to further explore how BC can better support youth in and from care, with a specific lens on their mental health and well-being.Continue readingChanging The Way We Support the Mental Health of Youth In Care and From Care
Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Mental Health Issue
Sexual abuse in childhood can leave scars that can last for a long time. Sexual abuse is any sexual contact between a child and an adult, or using a child for sexual purposes. It’s often done by someone the child knows and trusts.Continue readingChildhood Sexual Abuse: A Mental Health Issue
Community Navigator Project
The Community Navigator Project was piloted in 2008 with the objective of making it easier for people with mental illness to access government services and supports though individualized support from trained navigators.Continue readingCommunity Navigator Project
Criminal Justice
These resources and fact sheets were developed through our projects on mental health and the criminal justice system.Continue readingCriminal Justice
Cross-cultural Mental Health
Our communities are culturally diverse. We know that mental health and substance use problems affect everyone, regardless of their background, culture or ethnicity, but current mental health and substance use services may not be able to respond to the diverse needs of our community members.Continue readingCross-cultural Mental Health
Distressing world news and mental health: Finding balance

We are more tuned in to world events than ever before—in fact, it can be difficult to avoid hearing and learning about what is happening across the world, in your country, or local community. Stories and headlines can be overwhelming at times, but you can take action to care for yourself and your community while […]Continue readingDistressing world news and mental health: Finding balance
Engaging People with Lived Experience
Embracing the voice of people with mental illness and addiction is one of the key values of CMHA. This workbook is designed to help CMHA and other like-minded service providers bring this value to life through their work.Continue readingEngaging People with Lived Experience