BC has experienced some dramatic political shifts in the last year. A new provincial government has made a commitment to ensure that people in need of mental health and addiction services can “ask once, get help fast.” But how can BC move from policy commitments to accessible supports and services that keep people well? What can we learn from other countries on this journey?
In this webinar, Kendra Milne, CMHA BC’s Senior Director of Policy, Planning and Government Relations, discusses the current political context in BC, specifically outlining the promising policy shifts we have witnessed since the 2017 provincial election and highlighting opportune areas for positive change. Then, Chris Naylor, a Senior Fellow at The King’s Fund, provides an overview of the changes that have taken place in policy and practice in the UK since the government announced its a similar commitment to parity of esteem in 2014. He shares some examples of progress stemming from the UK’s mental health strategy “The five year forward view for mental health” and identifies opportunities for and challenges in turning strategy into services.