Tout le monde éprouve de la peur à certains moments. Mais parfois, la peur peut surgir lors dune situation inattendue. Cette peur nous empêche de réaliser nos activités habituelles ou nos objectifs. Les phobies et le trouble panique sont deux exemples de maladies mentales qui peuvent entraîner ces problèmes.Continue readingLes phobies et le trouble panique
Prévenir le suicide
Le suicide est un sujet difficile à aborder. Mais quand quelquun parle de suicide ou fait part de ses inquiétudes pour une personne proche, il est important dagir et de demander de laide rapidement.Continue readingPrévenir le suicide
Soutenir un proche
Lorsquun proche reçoit un diagnostic de maladie mentale, vous ressentez beaucoup démotions. Linquiétude, la compassion, lincrédulité, la colère, le soulagement, lanxiété, le chagrin, lamour, la culpabilité toutes ces émotions, et chacune delles, sont compréhensibles et normales.Continue readingSoutenir un proche
Les jeunes et l’automutilation
Certains adolescents sont fréquemment troublés par des sentiments intenses et douloureux. Même si certains dentre eux sont capables de gérer ces sentiments, dautres réagissent différemment à leurs problèmes parce quon ne leur a jamais appris à composer efficacement avec leurs émotions. Ils sont incapables de trouver les mots pour exprimer […]Continue readingLes jeunes et l’automutilation
Feeling Angry
We all feel angry sometimes. Most of the time, we can deal with feelings of anger or irritability quickly. However, anger can cause problems in our lives and the lives of those around us. Learn more about recognizing problem anger and taking action.Continue readingFeeling Angry
Loss is one of life’s most stressful events. It takes time to heal, and everyone responds differently. We may need help to cope with the changes in our lives. Grief is part of being human, but that doesn’t mean we have to go through the journey alone.Continue readingGrieving
We all talk about stress, but were not always clear about what it is. Stress comes from both the good and the bad things that happen to us. If we didnt feel any stress, we wouldnt be alive! Stress may feel overwhelming at times, but there are many strategies to […]Continue readingStress
Mental Health for Life
Mental health is key to our well-being. We cant be truly healthy without it. It involves how we feel, think, act, and interact with the world around us. Mental health is about realizing our potential, coping with the normal stresses of life, and making a contribution to our community.Continue readingMental Health for Life
Mental Illness: The Basics
What do you think of when you hear that someone is experiencing a mental illness? Some people feel concern, fear, or confusion. Some even avoid those who experience mental illnesses. But mental illnesses are just like any other illness: everyone deserves care, help, and support.Continue readingMental Illness: The Basics
Myths About Mental Illness
Mental illnesses affect everyone in some way. We all likely know someone who has experienced a mental illness at some point. Yet there are still many hurtful attitudes around mental illnesses that fuel stigma and discrimination and make it harder to reach out for help. Its time to look at […]Continue readingMyths About Mental Illness