Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) BC Division today announces that it has been accredited under Imagine Canada’s national Standards Program. With the achievement, CMHA BC joins a growing community of more than 120 organizations dedicated to operational excellence.Continue readingCMHA BC Achieves Accreditation from Imagine Canada’s Standards Program
Media Releases
CMHA Amalgamation Will Expand and Enhance Mental Health Services in Greater Vancouver
CMHA Vancouver-Burnaby, Simon Fraser and Delta branches will form the new CMHA Vancouver-Fraser BranchContinue readingCMHA Amalgamation Will Expand and Enhance Mental Health Services in Greater Vancouver
Lighting the Way for Better Workplaces
Canadian Mental Health Association recognizes NAV CANADA for innovative workplace mental health programContinue readingLighting the Way for Better Workplaces
Stories from the Front Lines; Solutions from the Survivors
National conference opens a discussion on what needs to change to protect the psychological health of front line workersContinue readingStories from the Front Lines; Solutions from the Survivors
BC Budget 2015: Key Mental Health Services Missing
More Action Needed in Areas of Child and Youth Mental Health and Community-Based Services says Canadian Mental Health Association Victoria, BC – The Canadian Mental Health Association’s BC Division (CMHA) is concerned by the absence of key mental health services and supports from Budget 2015. Investments in child and youth mental health and community-based mental […]Continue readingBC Budget 2015: Key Mental Health Services Missing
Police Adoption of Privacy Commissioner’s Recommendations on Mental Health & Police Information Checks a Significant Step Forward
Decision to no longer disclose mental health information in police checks will help remove barriers Vancouver, BC – BC’s Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner has issued a release describing BC police departments’ implementation of their key recommendations for police not to release any information about mental health related contacts in police information checks. […]Continue readingPolice Adoption of Privacy Commissioner’s Recommendations on Mental Health & Police Information Checks a Significant Step Forward
Conquering the January Blues: Stories from Bounce Back
Today is Blue Monday (the third Monday of January) which many see as the most depressing day of the year. Fortunately CMHA delivers hope over the phone to British Columbians who want to feel better and conquer depression. Vancouver, BC – It had been a difficult few months for Melissa. She was laid off from […]Continue readingConquering the January Blues: Stories from Bounce Back
Helping Our Heroes: Front Line Emergency Workers 100% More Likely to Experience PTSD
National conference focuses on protecting the psychological health of front line workersContinue readingHelping Our Heroes: Front Line Emergency Workers 100% More Likely to Experience PTSD
Maybe it’s no longer the Most Depressing Day of the Year
As debate abounds about which Monday in January is actually the most depressing day of the year, and skeptics argue there is no scientific basis to make such a claim, most Canadians will likely acknowledge a general malaise that occurs right around now.Continue readingMaybe it’s no longer the Most Depressing Day of the Year
Reopening of Riverview Hospital Not the Answer
On September 20th, 2013, the BC Government rejected the recommendation of the Union of BC Mayors to re-instate Riverview Hospital. Our Government has made the right decision.Continue readingReopening of Riverview Hospital Not the Answer