The steady increase in the cost of living over the past decade, without a similar increase to the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) rate, means there is an ever-increasing gap between the cost of basic living expenses and what PWD recipients can afford.
Published by the Disability Without Poverty Network in 2012, this brief reviews the cost of basic essentials in BC and proposes an increase to the PWD rate to a minimum of $1,200 per month to better reflect the actual cost of living in BC.
The goal of the report was begin a dialogue with government to ensure that individuals and families relying on BC’s PWD benefit live with dignity, and with the supports they need to engage and be part of their communities.
Formed in April 2011, the Disability Without Poverty Network is a working partnership to develop positive recommendations for change so British Columbians with disabilities who receive PWD benefit are not living in poverty. The partnership includes:
- BC Coalition of People with Disabilities (BCCPD)
- BC Association for Community Living (BCACL)
- Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division (CMHA BC)
- Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC BC)
- Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS)