Thank you for supporting mental health across BC!
Your donation to CMHA BC supports programs, services, and policy work that impact people across BC. Prefer your donation go to CMHA programs in your local community or across Canada? Find your local CMHA branch or visit CMHA National.
Learn more about our funds
You may choose to direct your contribution to one of our funds to help support mental health for generations to come.
If you’d like help to find the right fit for you or to arrange a gift of securities, mutual funds, life insurance or a bequest as part of preparing a will, please contact us at
- Dr. Nancy Hall Speaking Up Speaking Out Endowment Fund
Strengthen our voice in advocating for changes that improve mental health in BC - Lorne Fraser Educational Fund
Provide scholarships and bursaries to people experiencing mental illness or substance use problems - Blue Wave youth mental health
Support young people through our Living Life to the Full for Youth mental health skills course and Janice Lee Blue Wave Youth Bursary for post-secondary education - Dr. Jean Moore Endowment Fund in Child and Youth Mental Health
Enhance the lives of children and youth living with or at risk for mental illness - Healthy Minds Healthy Campuses
Help connect post-secondary campuses to a community of learning, collaboration and knowledge exchange on ways to promote mental health and healthier substance use