Symptoms of a mental illness can be better or worse at times. This happens when people are doing their best to manage their illness, too. Experiencing worsening symptoms for a short period of time is a normal part of the recovery process. Sometimes we need outside help when symptoms become worse. Some people may also […]Continue readingCoping with Mental Health Crises and Emergencies
Mental Health
The more we learn about mental health and mental illnesses, the better equipped we are to maintain and improve mental health for ourselves and others. Whether you are looking for more information on a specific mental illness, need some tips on keeping your own mental health in balance, or are looking for help for yourself or someone you care about, we can help.
Criminal Justice
These resources and fact sheets were developed through our projects on mental health and the criminal justice system.Continue readingCriminal Justice
Cross-cultural Mental Health
Our communities are culturally diverse. We know that mental health and substance use problems affect everyone, regardless of their background, culture or ethnicity, but current mental health and substance use services may not be able to respond to the diverse needs of our community members.Continue readingCross-cultural Mental Health
Sadness is a natural part of being human and feeling this way for a few days is normal. But if these sad feelings last for more than a couple of weeks and you start noticing that it’s affecting your life in a big way, you may be suffering from depression.Continue readingDepression
Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol and Other Drugs
We all use substances, many of which affect our mood. Many people can use substances in moderation (whether legal or illegal), without experiencing problems. What we need to remember is that all substances have effects; some have greater risks.Continue readingDepression, Anxiety, Alcohol and Other Drugs
Distressing world news and mental health: Finding balance

We are more tuned in to world events than ever before—in fact, it can be difficult to avoid hearing and learning about what is happening across the world, in your country, or local community. Stories and headlines can be overwhelming at times, but you can take action to care for yourself and your community while […]Continue readingDistressing world news and mental health: Finding balance
Don’t let uncertainty ruin your trip

For many people, a lot of stress around travel comes down to uncertainty. Will I make my flight? Will I get to my destination on time? The good news is that a little preparation can go a long way!Continue readingDon’t let uncertainty ruin your trip
Eating Disorders
Millions of people aren’t happy with the way they look. Some people go to extremes to lose weight because they feel like they’re not thin enough. And unfortunately, this can lead to an eating disorder.Continue readingEating Disorders
Engaging People with Lived Experience
Embracing the voice of people with mental illness and addiction is one of the key values of CMHA. This workbook is designed to help CMHA and other like-minded service providers bring this value to life through their work.Continue readingEngaging People with Lived Experience
Evaluating Mental Health and Substance Use Information
With all of the information coming at us these days, it can be hard to filter out what is good information and what information isn’t so good. With all of the information out there, how do you know what information you can trust?Continue readingEvaluating Mental Health and Substance Use Information