If you are using substances, there are steps you can take to support yourself and those around you: from knowing how to identify the signs of an overdose to keeping Naloxone on hand, and finding where to test substances.
- Understand the basics of substance use and get tips for reducing risk of harm from Foundry.
- Read facts about effects and risks of mixing medicine, alcohol, and street drugs at drugcocktails.ca.
- Learn more about Naloxone and how to take home a Naloxone kit from Toward the Heart.
- The Lifeguard app is for people using substances alone to ensure that emergency services are notified if they are not responsive.
- Vancouver Island Drug Checking Project can help test your drugs to see what they contain.
- Foundry has a page with information on different substances, what to look for when it comes to your substance use and also self-check quizzes.
- You and Substance Use….A Workbook walks you through substance use, ways to make changes and stay safe.